Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Harvest

This week saw the micro-greens moved outside into a cold frame even though the nights have been close or below freezing. The crop growing in the trays will do better in a cold frame than in the greenhouse. Seedlings are sprouting daily. The first peppers are up and the second seeding is in the ground. The first seeding of tomatoes are warming on the heat mats and the first tray of lettuce seedlings have sprouted and been thinned. They too are soon to be transferred outside to the cold frame. Seedlings are moved into a cold frame as soon as possible to provide more growing space in my small greenhouse. Usually only those plants that need the warm temperature of the greenhouse stay there longer, like annuals, herbs, peppers, and tomatoes. But eventually, they too will be move outside to hardened off.

In the garden the spinach planted last fall was harvested for the Easter dinner table along with most of the rest of the parsnips. This years garlic crop is out of the ground and growing nicely as the pictures show and the sorrel has sprouted and soon will be on the menu. You will continue to note that we like lettuce and greens in this garden and on the table throughout the growing season.

We could use some rain as the ground is drying out and I really do not have time to rototill the garden this early in the season. I want to set up the rain barrels so that I can water the cold frame plants with rain water so I am hoping for rain to fill them.

Happy Gardening

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