I had to go out of town for a week and my wife did a wonderful job managing the greenhouse and the sprouting seeds - always a tough task.
Most of the parsley is up and I had a good germination. I think I will do some transplanting of some of the cells that have more than two seedlings because I need quite a few plants for edging around the front walk and maybe around the patio in the back yard. the Darki seemed to sprout better than the Laura. Both had the same hot water treatment.
The peppers did well and the tomatoes are all up too. As I have just returned from Arizona I am not sure what is next for seeding and will be busy in the greenhouse this next week.
I have some pictures of the plants I transplanted into the hoop house and they are really moving along - hardly any setbacks. Some of the hoop house spinach looks like it could use a shot of nitrogen to move the leaves along. We are keeping the door to the hoop house open to help modify the internal temperature because spinach and heat do not mix. I have some space left in this hoop house and will attempt to plant this week.
We harvested the first of the parsnips today. As you can see they are not the best examples of good growing in a cone punched in the ground for them. I am going to plant the same variety again this year and if I get this much branching I will find another variety. If I am not mistaken this years parsnips are Javelin. However this is only the first harvest, late as it is, so maybe the rest will be better. I also am thinking about moving parsnips to a new spot as this is probably the third year in the same location and moving crops is always a good thing.
We had terrible weather while I was gone, heavy winds, tornado warnings, hail and rain. I even drove back from Chicago yesterday in sleet and snow. But even so, I have daffodils blooming and the grass is really green. The garden shows the effect of all the rain as I can see where water ran down the ditch that I dug last fall and filled with straw to help the yard and garden drain in the spring. At least one night the temps drooped to 29 degrees but the lettuce, onions, and other seedlings out in the cold frame came through quite nicely. What did not fare as well was the lettuce close to the house. I found today that cold temperatures did not harm it as much as hungry bird beaks do. Some feathered fiends have decided that they like my salad crop and were eating it. I have since fenced and covered the area to keep them out.
I included the circular field aerial pictures because I think this farming method looks so amazing from 30,000 feet.
Happy Gardening
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