Today the 2009 seed order has been completed. Ordering via credit card has made the old way of sending a check and waiting for the funds to clear and then the seeds to be sent a past practice. I ordered from seven seed houses and in some cases the order will be processed and in the mail by tomorrow. Phone ordering allows for quick substitutions, but I had only one case of something not available and a few back orders for March. Once again the average seed packet cost is near $3. However, this cost has historically been on the increase and my gardening cost observations stretch back to the late 70's - and just what does not cost more now?!
New gardeners may experience sticker shock but in most cases the work of the seedsman and the genetics involved to produce a new improved variety is years of trial and investment and in a market economy deserves remuneration - to a degree. However, when working on a seed order, don't neglect the old tried and true varieties that don't cost as much but still deliver a great vegetable. Also, remember that an AAS ( All American Selections) indicator on a seed variety can be a good criteria if you are looking for a vegetable or flower that will be a good all around choice for your garden. Plus, read the descriptions of your seed catalog with an open mind as some of the catalog copy is meant to attract you along with telling you about the vegetable for sale. I for one am a sucker for a great lettuce description; so enjoy the catalog but read critically too.
Most of this years order should be here and cataloged into the garden record book in a few weeks. Then the physical garden plan can start.
This years supply houses are:
John Scheepers - Kitchen Garden Seeds
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Stokes Seeds
Territorial Seed Company
Totally Tomatoes
All of these sources have web addresses and I have used them in the past and have been satisfied with product, shipping fees, packaging, and most of all seed amounts and quality.
Happy Gardening